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An Overview Hey readers!! I am Sarang More an Edublogger and student. So in today’s video we are going to discuss about the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of Hypertension. But, but, but before jumping into the actual concept it is very essential to know about the organ or the system in which the actual hypertension will be causing i.e. in heart obviously but more specifically in the arteries or the blood vessels. So in this article we are going to study about the CARDIOLOGY. Coming to the heart, it is relatively small, conical in shape and roughly as the size of one’s fist (not always possible). It is 12cm in length and 9cm in breath and 6cm thick. It weighs 250gm in adult females while in males it weighs about 300gm . The heart rest on diaphragm, near the midline of thoracic cavity known as mediastinum. Actually, the heart is slightly tilted towards left so it is said that heart is positioned to the left side. One more astounding fact about the heart is it is placed inverted in position,...



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Have you ever wondered? When we go to the doctor what he scribbles on his notepad or what he writes on his notepad and that cannot be read by normal human being, but how does the pharmacist can read it so perfectly and accurately? Ever wondered.

That is known as prescription ……

Prescription can be defined as a written order from a registered medical practitioner, or other properly licensed practitioner, such as dentist, veterinarian, etc. to the pharmacist to compound and dispense a specific medication for the patient at a particular time.

The prescription order is the professional relationship between the prescriber, patient and pharmacist.


There are responsibilities of pharmacist-

i.     Be accurate in manual aspect of filling the prescription order.

ii.  Provide the patient the necessary information related to the prescribed medication to ensure the patient compliance.

iii.                    Advice the prescriber about the drug sensitivities and medication history of the patient in order to ensure the effectiveness and safety of the prescribed medication.

iv.                    Maintain secrecy about the patient history regarding the drug and illness.

v.  Maintain the proper record of the patient and health status of the society.

Now here arises that even the small drug requires the prescription order.

The answer is NO! There are certain drugs which can be purchased without any prescription order. This drugs are known as OTC drugs (over the counter).

The formal definition of OTC drugs are “these are group of drugs which do not require  any kind of prescription.”

It contains a proper requirement of drugs to which he can dispense the drugs to the patient.

It also contains various instructions for the patient which he must follow so that he can get better from the illness.

Prescription is generally written in English language but to save time Latin abbreviation are used.



Prescription is written is typical format as follows :-

i.               Date

ii.            Name, age and sex of the patient

iii.          Superscription

iv.          Inscription

v.            Subscription

vi.          Signatura

vii.       Renewal Instructions

viii.     Signature, address and registration number of doctor.


i.               Date :-

It helps a pharmacist to find out the date of prescribing and date of filling of prescription.

The prescription containing narcotic and other habit forming drugs, must have a date to avoid the misuse of prescription if the patient is doing it.

ii.            Name, age, sex and address of the patient :-

Name, age, sex and address of the patient is very essential to identify the patient.

In case if any information is missing in the prescription, the pharmacist must fill the information by concerning the patient.

Age and sex of the patient helps the pharmacist especially in case of children helps to check the prescribed dose of the prescription.

iii.         Superscription :-

It is represented by the symbol ‘Rx’ which is written before the writing prescription.

Rx is the symbol which means ‘you take’ in latin word recipe.

In olden days, the symbol was originated from the sign of Jupitar, God of healing.

It is a requesting god for healing and quick recovery.

iv.         Inscription :-

This is the main part of prescribing order, containing the names and quantities of the prescribing order. The names of ingredients are generally written in English language but common abbreviation can be written both English and Latin language.

Generally inscription can be divided in three parts,

a.  Base:- The active medicaments which are intended to produce the therapeutic effect.

b.  Adjuvant :- It is included either to enhance the action of medicament or to improve the palatability of the medicament.

c.   Vehicle:- It is included in the prescription either to dissolve the medicaments or to increase the volume of the prescription.


Nowadays, a variety of drugs are available in proper dosage form.

v.            Subscription :-

This comprises direction to the pharmacist for preparing the prescription and number of doses to be dispensed.

These days, the prescribers are omitting special instructions to the pharmacist because they are not compounding the dosage form but they are just dispensing the drug which is prepared one.

vi.         Signatura :-

This consists of the direction given to the patient regarding the intake and doses to be taken.

The instructions written on the prescription must be transferred on the container’s label in which medicaments are dispensed, so that patient can follow it-

a)   Quantity to be taken.

b) The frequeny and administration

c)  The mode of administration.

d) The special instructions such as dilution or any other.


vii.       Renewal instructions :-

The prescriber indicates on every prescription order, whether it may be renewed and if so, how many times.

It is very important particularly in the prescription containing narcotic drugs to prevent its misuse.


viii.    Signature, address and registered number of the prescriber :-

The prescription must bear signature of the prescriber along with its registration number and address.

It is very important particularly in the prescription containing narcotic and other habit forming drugs to prevent its misuse.



The following procedure must be followed by the pharmacist while handling of the prescription –

a). Receiving

b). Reading and checking

c). Collecting and weighing of the materials

d). Compounding, labeling and packaging

e). Rechecking

f). Dispensing and patient counselling

g). Recording and filling.


a). Receiving :-

The prescription must be received from the patient by the pharmacist himself.

While receiving prescription, a pharmacist should not change his facial expression which gives an impression to the patient that he is surprised or confuse after seeing the prescription.

b). Reading and checking :-

On receiving the prescription, always check that it is written in proper format .

A prescription is screened behind the counter. In case if there is any difficulty or any confusion in reading the prescription the pharmacist should consult other pharmacist. Under no circumstances the pharmacist should ask the patient regarding the ingredients  of the prescription.

Pharmacist should never guess about any illegal and confused word. It may lead to serious consequences.

Sometimes prescription is received on the telephone by the senior pharmacist. In such case the pharmacist should confirm the name of drugs after noting down the prescription.

It is very important because number of drugs with almost same pronunciation and spelling are available in the market.

c). Collecting and weighing of the material :-

Before compounding the materials, all the materials required for it, should be collected and kept on the left hand side of the balance and after weighing the drugs must be kept on right hand side.

This gives a check whether the materials have been weighed. While compounding, the name of the label should be read atleast three times to avoid any error-

when taken from the shelf.

When the contents are removed for weighing and measuring

When the containers are placed back to its proper place.


d). Compounding, labelling and packaging :-

Compounding should be carried out in neat place. All the equipment should be thoroughly washed and dried.

Only one prescription should be compounded at once. All the ingredients should be compounded according to the directions of the prescription.

The compounded medicaments should be filled in pharmaceutically approved containers depending on its proper use and direction.

The label should be fixed with good quality adhesive container. The container is polished to remove any fingerprints.

While delivering the medicaments the pharmacist should tell the mode of administration and adverse effects if the drugs.

e). Rechecking:-

Every prescription should be rechecked and verified. All the ingredients should be rechecked on the label.

f). Dispensing and patient counselling :-

While delivering the medicament to the patient the instructions on the label must reinforced to the patient.

g). Recording and filing :-

A record of all medications should be maintained in the files of pharmacy. It must contains the drugs loaded and sold.




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