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An Overview Hey readers!! I am Sarang More an Edublogger and student. So in today’s video we are going to discuss about the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of Hypertension. But, but, but before jumping into the actual concept it is very essential to know about the organ or the system in which the actual hypertension will be causing i.e. in heart obviously but more specifically in the arteries or the blood vessels. So in this article we are going to study about the CARDIOLOGY. Coming to the heart, it is relatively small, conical in shape and roughly as the size of one’s fist (not always possible). It is 12cm in length and 9cm in breath and 6cm thick. It weighs 250gm in adult females while in males it weighs about 300gm . The heart rest on diaphragm, near the midline of thoracic cavity known as mediastinum. Actually, the heart is slightly tilted towards left so it is said that heart is positioned to the left side. One more astounding fact about the heart is it is placed inverted in position,...




Solid dosage form are drug delivery devices for both single and bulk form suitable for oral administration.

Some of the solid dosage drug forms are very useful for internal use i.e. they are used in body cavity or inhaled through varies in suction organs, likewise pessaries.

So, this is a introductory blog in solid dosage form we will cover only the upper slit of the solid drug.

The solid dosage form mainly comprises of tablets, capsules, pills, cachets, powders and granules.

Let’s get one by one in detailing about its basics till the researches done in that course till now…….



“A powder is defined as a solid dosage form composed of a solid or mixture of solid reduced to finely divided state and intended for internal and external use.”


    i.          Powders are used in clinical studies of drug preparation as it can be adjusted.

  ii.          Young children and infants who cannot swallow tablets and capsules can use powders. The powder is mixed with water or suitable liquid and then given to the children.

iii.          The bulk drugs are mostly dispensed in powder form as the conversion it into tablets can be pretending too large for the patient psychologically. 


    i.          Powders are one of the oldest dosage forms and are used both internally and externally.

  ii.          The stability meter is far more constant as compared to liquid dosage form.

iii.          It is countable or measurable for the prescriber as it can be accurately weighed.

iv.          The chances of spoilage is less as compared to other dosage forms.

  v.          The onset of action of powdered drug is faster than any other solid dosage form Like tablets, capsules, etc. the smaller size of the powder rapidly dissolves in the body fluids and acts faster.

vi.          Large quantity of drugs can be easily given to the patient by dissolving into suitable liquid or water.

vii.          Powders are more economical as compared to other dosage form in method of preparation, as it does not involve any machinery.

viii.          They are easy to carry than liquid dosage form.



    i.          Drugs having bitter, nauseous and unpleasant taste cannot be dispensed in powder form.

  ii.          Deliquescent and hygroscopic drugs cannot be dispensed in powder form.

iii.          Drugs which get affected by atmospheric conditions are not suitable for dispensing in powder form.

iv.          Quantity less than 100 mg or so, cannot be weighted on dispensing balance conveniently.

  v.          The dispensing of powder is time consuming.


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