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An Overview Hey readers!! I am Sarang More an Edublogger and student. So in today’s video we are going to discuss about the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of Hypertension. But, but, but before jumping into the actual concept it is very essential to know about the organ or the system in which the actual hypertension will be causing i.e. in heart obviously but more specifically in the arteries or the blood vessels. So in this article we are going to study about the CARDIOLOGY. Coming to the heart, it is relatively small, conical in shape and roughly as the size of one’s fist (not always possible). It is 12cm in length and 9cm in breath and 6cm thick. It weighs 250gm in adult females while in males it weighs about 300gm . The heart rest on diaphragm, near the midline of thoracic cavity known as mediastinum. Actually, the heart is slightly tilted towards left so it is said that heart is positioned to the left side. One more astounding fact about the heart is it is placed inverted in position,...

Historical background and development of profession of pharmacy in India


 Historical background and

development of profession of pharmacy

Part I

Hey guys, welcome back to the pharmamilestone blog. I am going to post the blogs that are going to help you in terms of your academics. I have done by simplifying the most complex books into simple one. Hope you will like it.

Q. What is pharmaceutics ?

It is a pharmaceutical science which comprises a drug to its developmental state.

It mainly encloses discovery, collection, identification, nomenclature, extraction and developing in required dosage form with least serious toxicological problems and advantageous pharmacological effects.

Simply pharmaceutics means conversion of raw drug into medicine by implementing various techniques and machinery.

It is concerned with technological and scientific aspects of design and manufacture of drugs. 

·    History of pharmacy profession in India in relation to pharma education :-

India was self- sufficient country in all aspects in British and pre-British period.

The Indian system of pharmacy was led by reputed personality known as’ Vaid’, depending on plant sources.

Allopathic system was introduced by Britishers.

Later on, it became quite popular among people.

As it was becoming quite popular among people the tradition of homeopathic and ayurvedic medicines and sources became extinct.

The Bengal chemical and pharmaceutical works was setup by Acharya P.C. Ray in 1901 in Calcutta.

Prof. T.K. Gujjar set up a small factory in Parel in 1903 and Alembic chemical works in 1907 at Baroda.

In 1903 a committee was appointed under the leadership of Col. R. N. Chopra to look after pharmacy profession in India.

Prof. Mahadeva Lal Schroff started a pharmaceutical education in Banaras Hindu university which lay down the foundation the for pharmacy professional education in India.

In 1935 united province pharmaceutical association was setup which was renamed as Indian Pharmaceutical association later.

In 1939, prof. M.L. Schroff started a Indian pharmacy journal. The All India Pharmaceutical Congress association was set up in 1940 to spread the ideology and to create awareness of pharmacy profession in India.

Drugs act 1950 was adopted for proper discipline and safety of pharmacy profession.

·     Industry and organization :-

After declaration of industrial policy in 1950, the pharmaceutical sector had peeped his head in Indian economy.

Now the time had been fully changed. The tradition of Vaidas was fully vanished. It was in hands of big established pharmaceutical companies. 

In 1950, 65 domestic and 28 foreign pharmaceutical units were there in India.

It raised up to 1643 units in 1952 and by the end of 1989 it strikes up to 12000 units.

By the entry of 2003-04 it increased up to 24000 units because of Globalization.

The total investment was Rs.24 crores in 1952 which raised up to Rs. 1175 crores in 1989.

By the 2003-04 the total pharmaceutical industry had a capitalization over Rs. 15000 crores.

Due to immersed development in pharmaceutical field the average  life expectancy had increased by 32 – 60 years in India.

  • Pharmacy as Career :-

Pharmacy in terms of career has great exposure. One according to his interest can set up a business or can also look up for services or job.

The business can also be varied according to his financial condition. If one has huge budget and financial condition one can set up a pharmaceutical business, if one has medium budget or have limited finance then he can set up a wholesale shop or analytical test lab. If a person have very limited finance then the retail pharmacy shop establishment can be the best option.

In the view of job one can pursue the most prestigious job profile of Drug Inspector in government sector or as a grade III pharmacist in ESIC or RRB or Indian Railways.

The other can work in private sector according to his qualification and knowledge like QA, QC, packaging, production, etc. The other private jobs are pharmacovigilance, medical coding ,hospital pharmacist, or medical writer.

·      Introduction to Pharmacopoeias :-

Pharmakon means “a drug” and poeia means “to make”. Pharmacopoeia means a compressive book which is issued under authority of government and contains a list of drugs and formulae used for medicinal preparation  and along with its properties with description with tests for those substances and the standards to which they must confirm.

  •       List of official books that are used in India as a pharmacopoeia :-

      a.  Indian Pharmacopoeia (I.P)

      b.  British Pharmacopoeia (B.P.)

      c.   United states Pharmacopoeia (U.S.P.)

      d.  Chinese Pharmacopeia

      e.  International Pharmacopeia

      f.    Japanese Pharmacopeia (J.P.)

      g.  Martindale extra Pharmacopoeia


The first edition of Indian Pharmacopoeia was published in year 1955.

The latest edition of Indian Pharmacopeia was published in year 2020.

  v The Chronological order of I.P.

  First edition in 1955

  Second edition in 1966

  Third edition in 1985

   Fourth edition in 1996

  Fifth edition in 2007

  Sixth edition in 2010

  Seventh edition in 2014


The further information of pharmacopoeia will be discussed in next blog ….


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