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An Overview Hey readers!! I am Sarang More an Edublogger and student. So in today’s video we are going to discuss about the PATHOPHYSIOLOGY of Hypertension. But, but, but before jumping into the actual concept it is very essential to know about the organ or the system in which the actual hypertension will be causing i.e. in heart obviously but more specifically in the arteries or the blood vessels. So in this article we are going to study about the CARDIOLOGY. Coming to the heart, it is relatively small, conical in shape and roughly as the size of one’s fist (not always possible). It is 12cm in length and 9cm in breath and 6cm thick. It weighs 250gm in adult females while in males it weighs about 300gm . The heart rest on diaphragm, near the midline of thoracic cavity known as mediastinum. Actually, the heart is slightly tilted towards left so it is said that heart is positioned to the left side. One more astounding fact about the heart is it is placed inverted in position,...

Dosage forms: Introduction to dosage forms, classifications and definitions


Before diving into dosage form, it is very important to understand what is mean by drug, dosage form, dose, pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, etc.


·     Basic definitions of Dosage forms :-


A drug is defined as chemical agent intended for the use in diagnosis, mitigation, prevention, cure and treatment of diseases in man or animal. (Drug and cosmetic act 1938).

According to WHO “the drug is any substance or product that is used or is intended to be used to modify or explore physiological system or pathological states for the benefit of recipient”.


Dosage form is a transformation of a pure chemical compound in a predetermined form by admixing drug components into non drug components.


A specific quantity of drug or medicine prescribed to be taken in one time or stated intervals.


It is a art and science of compounding and dispensing drugs or preparing suitable dosage forms for administrating man and animals.

It includes collection, identification, purification, isolation, synthesis and standardization of drugs.

So here the question arises…. Why there is so important to compound the drug into dosage forms.

Q. Why there is need of dosage forms?


A specific quantity of drug or medicine prescribed to be taken in one time or stated intervals.


It is a art and science of compounding and dispensing drugs or preparing suitable dosage forms for administrating man and animals.

It includes collection, identification, purification, isolation, synthesis and standardization of drugs.

So here the question arises…. Why there is so important to compound the drug into dosage forms.

Q. Why there is need of dosage forms?


A specific quantity of drug or medicine prescribed to be taken in one time or stated intervals.


It is a art and science of compounding and dispensing drugs or preparing suitable dosage forms for administrating man and animals.

It includes collection, identification, purification, isolation, synthesis and standardization of drugs.

So here the question arises…. Why there is so important to compound the drug into dosage forms.

Q. Why there is need of dosage forms?

  1.      i.   ACCURATE DOSE :-

There is need of time to deliver the accurate dose to the patient. If the patient is suffering from high fever up to 102F then paracetamol 650mg must be delivered because it will work as antipyretic and cools down the temperature of the patient, if 500mg paracetamol must be administered then it will not much effective to him.


The drug is in pure if we administered it in pure form the body will respond it aggressively and the adverse effect will occur.

The need of transforming into a dosage form is to protect the API (active pharmaceutical ingredient ) from gastric juices.

Some drugs are hygroscopic and deliquescent in nature, so to protect it from atmospheric conditions it is crucial to compound it in a required dosage form.

Eg- the enteric coated tablets which are tend to be dispersed in intestine unfortunately gets destroyed in stomach, the enteric coating helps it from attack in stomach by HCl liquid.


Certain drugs which is bitter in taste withdraws the consumption by the patient.

The low consumption of drugs will not be beneficial for the patient.

Eg- the paediatric drugs are commonly delivered with flavours for increasing appetizing of the small babies and also encourage them to take the medicines.

  ii.          OPTIMAL DRUG ACTION :-

There are certain drugs which are given in very small quantity like antidepressants in the variation of 1mcg. So to deliver the drugs which are very minute to administer so they are compiled in suitable dosage form.

Eg- chlordiazepoxide which is known as antidepressants is given in 1-2 mcg which is very minute in quantity so it is necessary for them to convert them for their maximum action.


The drugs which are easily excretable must be combined with certain other excipients which are hard to metabolised so the conversion of these drugs is crucial.

Eg- enteric coated tablets which dissolved in stomach which must be dissolved in intestine.


There are certain drugs which requires controlled releasing of the drugs or requires prolong effect. So converting them into suitable dosage form is very beneficial. The prolongation release of drugs results the low intake of drugs which will not form any habit in the patient and the drugs will be released according to the intensity and need of that drug. This smart way of releasing of drug help to utilize the drug to its full extent and can gets less first pass metabolized.

Eg- Nicotine patches which are used for smoking addictive’s is very beneficial.


A handful quantity of drugs are target specific ( those drugs which are acting on specific sites rather than whole body ) so it is very crucial for that drug to reach that specific site without any kind of changes.

Eg- insufflations which are meant to be acting in specific sites reach to that site by using a device known as ‘insufflator’.


As we discussed earlier that certain drugs are target specific, so the proper delivery of that drug will enhance the effectiveness and action of that drug up to mark.


In a nutshell we can conclude the need of dosage form as follow-


Accurate Dose


Protection from environmental factors


Masking taste and odour


Optimal drug action


Sustained released action


Controlled released medication


Insertion of drugs into body cavities


Placement of drug into body tissues


 In the next blog we will cover the huge classification of the dosage form and its definition.

Till then signing off Sarang More...... will meet you next blog.


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